Meet Irving L. Brown Sr.

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My name is Irving Brown, and I am seeking your vote as I run for Pasco City Council for District 3. I have lived in Pasco since 2008, I am the proud father of two children, and the Human Resources Manager for Oasis Farms in Prosser, WA. I serve as a Deacon and Chairman of the Trustee Board at the New Hope MIssionary Baptist Church in Pasco, WA. 

Pasco stands at a crossroads. With a booming population, we are facing important decisions about how we wisely plan to manage this future growth. Our economy remains one of the fastest growing in the state, which is attracting more people. this is an opportunity for an even brighter future for this city. 

I am running because I firmly believe in Pasco and the promise of that future. We need to finish our long-term plans to carry the citizens to that promise of an economically strong, culturally inclusive city that is the envy of the state. 

If elected, I will continue to strengthen our city’s economy with pro-growth policies and planning that will encourage development evenly across our city. I will promote ways to save money in our budget without compromising vital services. And I want to maintain a culture of equity inclusion and empowerment in our local government. We can uphold that culture with the restoration of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee. 

Let’s Build Our Future Together. I Respectfully Ask for Your Vote. 

Support the City of Pasco

Let’s build our future together. I respectfully ask for your vote.